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How Can I Get My Fragrance to Last Longer/Smell Stronger?

How Can I Get My Fragrance to Last Longer/Smell Stronger?

One of the most common questions we get is how to apply fragrance so it lasts longer. Fortunately, there are some simple ways you can extend the life of your fragrances!
  1. Apply the fragrance right after a shower so it absorbs better into the skin.
  2. Misting the scent into your hair or clothes instead of directly on your skin. Fragrance tends to last longer in the fibers and hair.
  3. Applying (unscented) lotion on your skin before you apply the fragrance as hydrated skin tends to retain the fragrance longer than dry skin. 
  4. Opt for a higher concentration of the fragrance. The more essential oils, the longer your scent will last. Parfum or Eau de Parfum is strongest, then Eau de Toilette, Eau de Cologne comes next and finally Eau Fraiche.
  5. Layer your fragrance, for example, get the aftershave, body lotion and shower gel so the scents build on each other and last longer.
  6. Your nose generally becomes used to scents after a few hours so while you may no longer smell yourself, other people may. To avoid layering on too much scent, test it out with another person who can give a second opinion.

Unfortunately, some scents are just ephemeral in nature. For instance, citruses come on strong but often disappear quickly too. Meanwhile, ouds often can last well into the next day.

This is a series featuring fragrance Q&As from real customers